Citizens’ Resistance At Fermi Two (CRAFT)

(Originally published January 1, 2016 on

CRAFT Comments to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Regarding their Recommendation to Extend the Fermi 2 Reactor License
For an Additional 20 Years Continue reading “Citizens’ Resistance At Fermi Two (CRAFT)”

MPSC Ruling Protects DTE Ratepayers from Fermi 3 Fiasco, for now…

(Originally published December 31, 2015 on

Great news!! On December 11, 2015, the Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) issued a decisive ruling in Case No. U-17767 (in particular, see pages 36-39 of the Order) which completely rejected DTE Electric Company’s request for reimbursement from DTE customers for the $102 million which the utility budgeted to complete a federal license application to construct and operate a potential Fermi 3 Nuclear Power Plant in Southeast Michigan. Continue reading “MPSC Ruling Protects DTE Ratepayers from Fermi 3 Fiasco, for now…”

Fermi 2 Re-lice and Pestilence

(Originally published December 30, 2015 on

Fermi 2’s original 40-year operating license expires in 2025. DTE Energy has applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a 20-year extension of this license. Continue reading “Fermi 2 Re-lice and Pestilence”

The Nesbitt Energy Bill

(Originally published December 6, 2015 on

If you live in Michigan, you may have gotten in the mail a big, slick and ominous-looking flyer asserting that the Nesbitt Energy Bill in the Michigan Legislature will solve “Michigan’s looming energy shortfall.” You may have seen television ads promoting the same idea. Continue reading “The Nesbitt Energy Bill”

Fermi 3, Round 2

(Originally published Thursday, May 21, 2015 on

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has given DTE Electric (DTE) the license it needs in order to build Fermi 3. They plan to build this new nuclear reactor on the shore of Lake Erie adjacent to Fermi 2.

The Sierra Club along with the Alliance to Halt Fermi 3, Beyond Nuclear and other anti-nuclear groups, was opposed to this license. We delayed its issuance by more than 3 years. There are still open objections which should have been resolved before the NRC issued the license, but that part of the process is finished for practical purposes. Continue reading “Fermi 3, Round 2”