
Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 Mission Statement 2021

The mission of the Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 is the ultimate transformation of our current national electrical grid from large, for-profit nuclear, coal, and natural gas plants to publicly-owned, decentralized solar and wind projects integrated with efficiency improvements in order to achieve zero net greenhouse gas emissions and good paying green energy jobs.

Who We Are

ATHF3, an activist Board of Directors and 24 endorsing and supporting organizations, is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 2012 dedicated to increasing public awareness about the enormous hazards posed by nuclear power and nuclear waste through paid media messaging campaigns and other forms of community outreach including public forums and social media. The Alliance supports a 21st Century electricity grid based on solar, wind, and energy efficiency as the cheapest and safest way to combat global climate change, as well as greater citizen input into DTE and Michigan Public Service Commission decision making. ATHF3 opposes the operation of DTE’s existing Fermi-2 nuclear plant and the construction of the proposed “advanced design” Fermi-3.
The Alliance strives to reach its goals by raising public awareness through community outreach, the use of paid and social media, hosting public events, and by policy advocacy in various regulatory and legislative forums.
We intend to continue to engage in the legal / legislative arena.  In February 2019, the Alliance played a key role in the Ann Arbor City Council’s unanimous passage of a municipal resolution advocating mass stockpiling of potassium iodide (KI) to increase radiological public health protection in the event of a severe nuclear accident at Fermi-2.

ATHF3 is a member of the Great Lakes Renewable Energy Association and the Michigan Environmental Council.


Contact us at:

ATHF3, P. O. Box 511001, Livonia, MI 48151

The 2021 Board of Alliance to Halt Fermi 3 is:

Keith Gunter, Board Chair (bio)
734-838-8084 keith.gunter9@gmail.com

Lou Novak, Board Vice Chair, Communications (bio)

Gloria Scicli, Treasurer

Pam Barker, Board Member At Large (bio)

Jeff Alson, Board Member At Large, Energy Policy Analyst (bio)

Michael-David BenDor, Board Member At Large

Kim Bergier, Board Member At Large (bio)

Carrie Christoph, Board Member At Large