Nuclear energy is still too costly and risky to be a viable clean energy source, the authors of the statement write. They include Gregory Jaczko, former chairman of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the former leads of similar agencies in Germany, France, and the UK.
Nuclear Power – Myth, Lure, Danger and Reality. A Climate Solution or a Dangerous Detour
Mon February 7 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm EST
A webinar to learn more about and discuss the major issues concerning nuclear power
Do we have a solution to the nuclear waste storage problem? How safe is nuclear? From Accident? From attack? Should we expect more Chernobyls and Fukushimas?
What is the relationship between nuclear power and the proliferation of nuclear weapons?
What are the upcoming SMRs (small modular reactors) and fusion?
What are the impacts of nuclear power on the environment?
How can we address the issues of nuclear power and also work to avoid climate catastrophe?
“Amid rising public outcry over government inaction toward the climate crisis, the nuclear power industry has attempted to advertise itself as “zero emissions,” “carbon-free” and even “renewable” in order to convince politicians and the public that it is essential to solving this world-historical disaster.
However, nuclear power is none of these things, and it in fact stands in the way of achieving an ecologically just society.”
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