The idea of “reprocessing” spent nuclear fuel has repeatedly been beaten to death in the United States, but its advocates keep trying to bring it back to life. Part of the latest attempt to animate this corpse is Michigan State Senate Resolution 164 of 2016. Continue reading “A Zombie Proposal in Michigan’s Legislature”
ATHF3 2015 Annual Report
(Originally published April 16, 2016 on
As the Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 (ATHF3) enters its fifth year in 2016, we look back to 2015 as a significant and pivotal time for our organization. Continue reading “ATHF3 2015 Annual Report”
Worry About Terrorists Much?
(Originally published March 28, 2016 on
If you do, you should consider how easy it would be for a small group to attack a nuclear power plant and cause a meltdown, and how horrible the consequences of that would be. Once you think of nearly 100 large reactors of the United States as nearly 100 targets, you see another reason to shut them all down before one of them shuts us down. Continue reading “Worry About Terrorists Much?”
Our Corrupt EPA
(Originally published March 10, 2016 on
Act Now! Tell OMB to reject EPA proposal to increase allowable radioactivity in drinking water following nuclear emergency
March 9, 2016
Dear Friends,
EPA has quietly proposed to raise the allowable levels of radioactivity in drinking water to hundreds of times their current limits following a nuclear emergency. The Safe Drinking Water Act establishes Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCL’s) for specific radionuclides. But now EPA has proposed allowing people to drink water with concentrations of radioactivity at vastly higher levels with no actions taken by government to protect people. Continue reading “Our Corrupt EPA”
What’s Wrong with Nuclear Energy?
(Originally published March 5, 2016 on
- Nuclear energy is clean – except for radioactive leaks and radioactive waste.
- Nuclear energy is safe – except for “normal” radioactive releases and the occasional overwhelming catastrophe.
- Nuclear energy is cheap – except for electric power customers who must pay for it.
- Nuclear energy is profitable – except for governments that heavily subsidize it.