At Risk Nuclear Plants

Fermi 2

Nuclear Plants at Risk For Closure

This is a worthwhile article from UBS. They say:

A spate of planned nuclear closures, pushed by cheap gas and market structures that don’t reward carbon-free power, will likely continue, according to UBS. But while plants under long-term contracts may have more revenue stability, market pressures will continue to force them offline as customers search for cheaper alternatives.



The Future of Energy …

… could mean many things. In this case, it means a documentary film, a little over an hour in length, which the Alliance to Halt Fermi 3 recommends highly. It’s not about nuclear energy. It’s about the possibility of replacing nuclear energy – and fossil fuel energy – with clean, safe and affordable renewable energy. You can watch it, for free, right here. Continue reading “The Future of Energy …”

No Nukes News

If you want to keep up with news about nuclear issues around the world, there’s no easier way to do it than to subscribe to No Nukes News. You can read the current issue online just by clicking on the link above. There’s a button to subscribe at the top of the page.

The newsletter is supported by the Ontario Clean Air Alliance. Consequently, you’ll see the newsletter has a section focusing on events and actions specific to Ontario. However, that in no way prevents their thorough gathering of nuclear news from around the world from being of great value.

No Nukes News

I’ve been a subscriber for a while now, and I have not noticed any increase in spam in my email. It seems they do not sell email addresses for any commercial purpose.

Art Myatt

Chernobyl + 30: Half-Lives, Half-Truths

April 26, 2016
Keith Gunter, Co-Chair, Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 (ATHF3)
(734) 838-8084
Carol Izant, Co-Chair, Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 (ATHF3)
(248) 930-3173
     On this 30th anniversary of the onset of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe, the Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 (ATHF3), in association with the Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery (33 East Adams, Detroit, MI) is proud to announce the opening of “Chernobyl + 30:  Half-Lives, Half-Truths” by photojournalist Gabriela Bulisova. The display will begin on Friday, May 27th, 2016 from 6 PM until 9 PM and extend into Summer 2016.
     Ms. Bulisova traveled to the region in the 2000’s and captured startling images of Chernobyl landscapes and the affected population.  Her artist statement and captions, coupled with the photos, reflect the story not only of an environmental and human health disaster, but also of a monstrous event resulting in an enormous psychological toll on millions of people.
     “Alliance To Halt Fermi-3 is profoundly grateful to the Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center and Gallery for giving us the opportunity to display Gabriela Bulisova’s extremely powerful work,” said Keith Gunter, Co-Chair of ATHF3.  “This will be a tremendous opportunity for Detroiters to have a long look at what the after effects of a nuclear meltdown look like.”
     Carol Izant, the Alliance’s other Co-Chair, added “This exhibit should give residents of this area reason to pause and think, since a partial meltdown occurred at Detroit Edison’s Fermi-1 reactor on October 5, 1966.  We’ve already had our own close call.”
     Admission to the exhibit will be free, and will include a display addressing the situation at Chernobyl as it stands three decades later.  “Chernobyl + 30” will open simultaneously at the Gallery with another exhibit addressing the compelling issues surrounding drones.
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