(Originally published December 30, 2015 on https://athf3.wordpress.com/)
Fermi 2’s original 40-year operating license expires in 2025. DTE Energy has applied to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for a 20-year extension of this license.
As part of the process of reviewing that application, a long, bureaucratic document entitled, “Generic Environmental Impact Statement for License Renewal of Nuclear Plants; Supplement 56, Regarding Fermi 2 Nuclear Power Plant; Draft Report for Comment” was generated. As you can tell by the title, instead of making DTE Energy go to the trouble of making an actual environmental impact statement from scratch, the NRC allows them to use a “generic” document with some modifications.
The NRC is required to let the public make comments on this sort of document, and they are required to “respond” to comments. Alliance to Halt Fermi 3 had plenty of comments on this document, which we wrote up in the format their process requires and sent them in on December 28, 2015. Our 35 pages of comments can be downloaded by clicking here:https://athf3.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/athf3_fermi-2_eis-comments.pdf
It will be interesting to see their response, and it will be even more interesting to see yours. Our comment section below is open, and we invite you to tell us what you think.